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Mom My beautiful son January 5, 2009
My dear Joey,

What can I say that I haven't said a thousand times.
I guess I will always be in denial and will never except this horrible nightmare.
You know that the holidays are upon us. I just walk the rooms and cry and cannot wait until this month goes by as quickly as it came.
You are in my heart and always on my mind.
Everything is still the same. I love you baby and I will talk to you later.
I love you forever and always.
Mom My Baby January 5, 2009
Hi my sweet boy,

Joe, I miss you so deeply. There are days I just do not think I will make it. I had a long talk with Dad last night. Joey, our life will never ever be the same people tell us time will heal or that it takes time and it will get easier. Joe, it may just be us, but it just gets worst.
It does not get any easier nor does time ease up.

My Dear Joey,

The holidays are coming upon us and I can feel that I am losing it and so is Dad.
We may not say anything to each other but when we look at each other we know what the other one is thinking.
Since the day you where taken from us, we have not celebrated any of the holidays. (It's just to painful).
You just loved them and would be so excited and would join in helping me decorate.
I do not have that in me any longer, that was lost that day.
We have not even put up the Tree since that day and I never will. I can't.
What is there to celebrate? All it is ( a painful memory). What I can remember!!!
No matter what it is there is not a day that goes by that your name does not come out of my mouth.
Everything is a reminder, Joey use to do that, Joey loved that, remember when, remember how, Joey, use to do that and this.
It will always be that way, because you where such a big part of this family and still are and you will always be here.
I pray every morning when I wake up with this pain and emptiness inside me.
I do not know how I will be on that day, but I know you will be with us.
Well my sweet son I love you and miss you forever until that day I will be reunited with my wonderful boy.
I hold on to that always......
Well I will talk to you later.
I love you forever and always,
Mom My Joe January 5, 2009


My Joey,


I am just sending all my love to you as always.
I miss you so much there are no words, and I am still in disbelief . I guess I always will be.
The only thing that gets me through the day is that I know we will be together again.
I love you.
I will talk to you later.
I love you forever and always........

Mom Always My Joe January 5, 2009

Hi Baby,

Just needed to send you all my Love. You are in my Heart Joe, always.
I still take day by day. Everyday is so different with my emotions.
There are some days when I can barely make it and others that I hang on by a thread.
It will never end. Until the day we are all back together again.
Right now we are not whole and the family is just a half of a family.
I will always question. I told you I stopped asking why, but inside I will never stop.
Just the thought of you not being home is just about all I can handle right now and even that is too much.
There is NOT a day, hour or a minute that goes by that you are not on my mind.
Everyone tells me it will get easier or not as hard, not for me.
You are my baby, and that is something that I will never feel better about or that it will ease up or that horrible pain I carry with me everyday.
Well my sweet boy I will talk to you later.
I love you forever and always.
Soon your Mom

Mom Joey My Son.... January 5, 2009
Happy Birthday Baby!!!!

I can't believe my baby boy is "30"....
I don't know Joe where the time is going but you are 30 already.
I will carry you under my Heart forever like I did for 9 months. You will be there until the day I see you with your arm's wide open waiting for me to give me the biggest hug ever and don't let go.
Than I will get my smile back and this pain inside me will finally go away.
Honey, everything is still the same except for the emptiness around here without the sound of your wonderful laugh.
My Heart just will not stop aching for you.
(and it never will)
I cannot believe I am still here without you I do not know what the plan is for me.
I'm not the same and never will be but I exist. Whatever that means.
Well my sweet son, I will talk to you later.
I love you forever and always.
Mom My Joey January 5, 2009
Hi, my sweet boy,

It's 3:00am I just could not sleep. These are the bad nights I have. When I wake up I just can't lay there. You are on my mind at all times. I think of everything, the things I don't remember I just leave alone, I am glad that I don't remember that night and the days that followed.
Joe, I sorry that I can't let you go....
I am sorry that I won't except it and I will still be in disbelief.
Until, The day that we are together I will be at total peace.
I love you forever and always......
Mom Forever
Pam White The DeMatthews Family January 5, 2009

Dear Debbie,

I just want to wish you a happy Mothers day on the saddest and hardest day of the year. The fact is we are mothers and always will be but cannot see or hold our children on this day. Joey has to be so proud of you and how you are doing. Just remember we will be with the boys again and until then we are and will always be their mom. Even death can't take that away from us. When people ask how many children I have I always say 3. That's because I do and always will.
I will be thinking of you tomorrow as always and I know Joey will be right there by your side to help you through. You are in my prayers. Pam

holly Joesph October 21, 2008

I didn't know Joe or your family but I just came across the page through another page. I just kept reading the whole thing and now I'm here in tears. My heart is breaking for you, I can't even imagine how you must feel. I wish there was anything I could say or do to make you feel better!! Joe seemed like an amazing man and he is so lucky to have a mom that loves him as much as you do, and I'm sure he knows that.  I'm sure he's so proud of you! Keep being strong for him. I hope things get easier for you! I can't understand it, why things like this happen, only god knows. ***Hugs*** God Bless You and your family!!  




Mom My Sweet Boy September 30, 2008

Hi my sweet boy,

Joe, I miss you so deeply. There are days I just do not think I will make it. I had a long talk with Dad last night. Joey, our life will never ever be the same people tell us time will heal or that it takes time and it will get easier. Joe, it may just be us, but it just gets worst.
It does not get any easier nor does time ease up.

My Dear Joey,

The holidays are coming upon us and I can feel that I am losing it and so is Dad.
We may not say anything to each other but when we look at each other we know what the other one is thinking.
Since the day you where taken from us, we have not celebrated any of the holidays. (It's just to painful).
You just loved them and would be so excited and would join in helping me decorate.
I do not have that in me any longer, that was lost that day.
We have not even put up the Tree since that day and I never will. I can't.
What is there to celebrate? All it is ( a painful memory). What I can remember!!!
No matter what it is there is not a day that goes by that your name does not come out of my mouth.
Everything is a reminder, Joey use to do that, Joey loved that, remember when, remember how, Joey, use to do that and this.
It will always be that way, because you where such a big part of this family and still are and you will always be here.
I pray every morning when I wake up with this pain and emptiness inside me.
I do not know how I will be on that day, but I know you will be with us.
Well my sweet son I love you and miss you forever until that day I will be reunited with my wonderful boy.
I hold on to that always......
Well I will talk to you later.
I love you forever and always,

Pam White Debbie DeMatthews May 18, 2008

Dear Debbie,
I just want to wish you a happy Mothers day on the saddest and hardest day of the year. The fact is we are mothers and always will be but cannot see or hold our children on this day. Joey has to be so proud of you and how you are doing. Just remember we will be with the boys again and until then we are and will always be their mom. Even death can't take that away from us. When people ask how many children I have I always say 3. That's because I do and always will.
I will be thinking of you tomorrow as always and I know Joey will be right there by your side to help you through. You are in my prayers. Pam

Mom My sweet boy May 4, 2008
Oh, Joe,
I wish I could just talk to you face to face like we always did. You know I hate having to write to you, but right now that is the only way I can.
Everything is still the same. Not one thing has changed, in my life. Sometimes it's worse than others.
I wish in a way I could accept or believe it but I will never.
I look at your face and I just image that you are in your room or at the gym or work.
Sometimes it's crazy. It just does not seem real.
That is why it is so hard for me to understand why this life we live does not make any sense.
You know your birthday is coming up*******
Joe you are going to be "30" unreal my baby "30".
I will be sending balloons up to you once again, and once again I know you will get them and read them.
Well my sweet boy I will talk to you later.
I love you forever and always.
Mom------Forever and ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Isabelle DeMatthews Family May 3, 2008

Hi, I just happened to be reading your tribute to your son and it really touched me. My son also died on May 2006. I love that first picture of you and Joey when he was little. I know exactly what you're going through. What a handsome boy he is...

Take care,


Message from a MEM Mom Debbie, Wayne, and Wayne Jr. May 3, 2008

Dear mr. and Mrs. DeMatthews - -

I visit Joey's site often, just to see how you are doing. I pray that somehow you will find comfort and peace in the knowledge that your beautiful son is with his heavenly Father, and that you will be someday as well. God Bless you.

Jeanne Shaw
Mother of Elliot Shaw Larson
12/19/89 - 3/12/06

Message by a Texas Friend DEMATTHEW FAMILY May 3, 2008

Just letting you know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I have visited this site often. Joey is watching over your family and wants you to be at peace. God Bless.

Linda Elliott DeMatthews Family May 3, 2008

Dear Family: WoW, how great it is to see that big ole handsome guy this morning! He's a looker allright.

I hope you are doing well and that Joe visits you often, if you don't feel so, just give it time, you will.

Hoping for longer days of peace and contentment for you, knowing that your Joe is with you always.

Linda Elliott

Pam White Wayne, Debbie & Wayne Jr. May 3, 2008

Dear Joey,
I was so happy to see your handsome face when I visited Chris' site today. I know for your mom and dad it is not as happy. As parents we want to see your face right next to us each day. Your determined look on your face in the picture tells me you are determined to help your mom through this nightmare.
I know she misses you day and night and is struggling to get by till you are together again. Give her a hug today and let here feel you close by. We do see the signs you leave if we look closely. She is an amazing lady and I know you are proud to look down and call her MOM. Thanks for making my day a little brighter with your handsome face. If you have met my boy please tell him I love him. Thanks Joey.

Concerned Neighbor DeMatthews Family May 3, 2008

Message by Concerned Neighbor

Dear Joseph Williams loved ones,
Losing a loved one, especially a child, is the most difficult thing. Death comes to us so rapidly and steals our loved ones from us. It seems impossible to confront the pain, sorrow, and yearning to change the situation. But also seems like the moments where we need God more than ever. In Ecclesiastes 3:11 it states, "Everything he has made pretty in its time. Even time indefinite he has put in their heart[...]." As we can see in that text the reason we never want to die is because since the very beginning God has put that feeling in our hearts of living forever. But we may ask, then why is it that we die? Well in Romans 6:23 we read, "But the wages sin pays is death [...]." That is the cost of our imperfection. But if we keep reading in the same text of Romans 6:23 it says, "[...] but the gift that God gives is everlasting by Jesus Christ our Lord." We do have hope and so do our loved ones. In John 5:28, 29 it states, "Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out [...]." Never lose hope and look into the holly scriptures for comfort. Jehovah God

Mom My Joey April 17, 2008
My Dear Baby,

I have not really been too well lately, each day is different, but I am taking day by day. I know that anyone that has lost a love one feels the same, especially a child. Joe, I have met some wonderful, heart warm, caring, and great friends from this site. People who care so much and genuine special heart felt individuals with such "HEART" and never forget, always checking your site and writing such unique messages that mean so much to me and they do lift me up if only for a short period of time. I consider them as true friends to me and always will.
They have their own mourning on a daily basis and their own sorrow and yet they don't forget.
To all of my new found friends what can I say! From the bottom of my heart you guys have helped and touched me in such a way you have no idea.
This is all new to me and I really do not know how to react to all of this, what is going on in my life now, (which has changed dramtically) and how I go day by day.
I just want to let all of you to know how I feel about each and everyone one of you.
All of you guys are in my prayers daily.
When I talk to Joey and pray, I also pray with each and everyone of you in my prayers.
I feel so lucky to have all of you!!!!
Joe, I know I do not have to tell you, but I always feel the need to express to you how much we miss and love you.....
I will talk to you later.
I love you forever and always...........
Pam White Debbie and Wayne January 12, 2008

Dear Debbie and Wayne,

I know you are glad this holiday season is over. Wishing you a happy new year is kind of silly because a happy anything is so hard to achieve. What I would like to wish for you this year is some peace.
That is what I promised myself to try to find and I hope you will also. Just remember that 2008 is not one year farther away from Joey but one year closer to the day you are together again. Hope you and your family are doing okay....I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as always. God bless

Pam White Dear Joey January 12, 2008

Dear Joey,
I have been thinking of you and your family all day.
I know today will be so very hard for your mom and dad so let them know you are close. It's hard for those of us left behind to understand how your world is so much better now when ours is so much worse without our children. I do know that celebrating the upcoming holiday with the angels will be magnificent. Help your mom and dad get through today and the next week. If you see my big guy Chris up there tell him I love him.
To Debbie and Wayne, I am keeping you in my prayers today as always. Be strong. Your friend Pam

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