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dragan's dad
Lighted candles show love,show that They are still here, still a wonderful and precious part of our lives.GB
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love. Sweet dreams my beautiful Angel!
Loving Family to Angel V.Borg
Your candle will burn brightly in the hearts of all those You touched forever Joseph. May Peace find You today and always xoxo
Mary Hand
Those whom we love go out of sight, But never out of mind; They are cherished in the hearts
~Barbara~^i^Caroline's ~Nana~
Thinking of YOU this candle in U'r beautiful memory & letting YOU know I care!!
Mom Always & Forever
My Dear Joey, Just sending all my love to you this morning. xxxooo
Grma-Louise To Angie
Joey thinking of you Mom,Grandparents on this beautiful day Sweet Angel..Love~Hugs
Mom Always & Forever
My Dear Son, I love you so much. Nothing is every the same withou you.
dragan's dad
I'm lighting this candle in loving memory for your loved one on this Memorial Day.So hard for everyone who has lost a loveone!
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~
We will always remember you Joey. Happy Memorial Day and may Joey's memories give you a gentle day. ((Debbie))
Mom Always & Forever
My Sweet Baby Son, I am so sorry, I have not been here lately. Grandma & Grandpa have been so sick lately. I love you
Grma-Louise To Angie
Debbie thanks for the kind words so nice of you..Hugs to you and your sweet parents and your sweet Joey..
^I^Caroline~Scanlon's ~Nana~
May this memorial weekend be blessed with ALL things beautiful & peaceful, or YOU & U'r LOVED 1's!!
Grma-Louise To Angie
My thoughts and Prayers are with u in Heaven Joey~and with ur family and Grandparents on this Memorial Day Weekend..Love~Hugs
Cathy~Mom of David Giraud
Those we love remain with us, for luv itself lives on & cherished memories never fade, because a loved one's gone((Hugs))
~Rocky's~ mom Claudia
Good night n sweet dreams Joey. Always in my ♥. ((Debbie))
dragan's dad
A candle for remembering you precious Angel.Let it be a tribute to You and a encourage for your loved ones.
Mary Hand
Thinking of you and your family this Memorial Day Weekend. Hugs
Grma-Louise To Angie
Your an Angel that will never be forgotten about..Lighting candles is something so nice to do and keeping in touch with your Mom..
mom...Shane Ramirez
If a Song you Hear fills you with a Feeling of Sweet Love.It's a Hug sent from Heaven,from your Precious Angel up Above.oxoxox
Grma-Louise To Angie
For a precious Angel who I'm aways thinking of and hope u and our Angie will always be close to one another~God Bless u both..
Mom Always & Forever
My Dear Joe, Sending you all my love. I miss you so much.
Mama anđela M.Blekic
Anđele uvijek si u mojim mislima, ali nemam snage svaki dan pisati. Neka ti ova svijeća vječno sja..~♥~
dragan's dad
Joey,precious Angel,candle and prayers are to you and also for those you touched in life and now with your gentle spirit.
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