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Mom Always & Forever
My Dear Love, Mom Loves you & Misses you so much Joe, You are always in my HEART............
~Barbara~^i^Caroline's ~Nana~
Our precious angels... ~always~♥~loved~ ~*~never~ever~*~ 4~gotten!!!! ((((((o&x's))))))
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May God keep you safe, happy, and at peace beside His loving son Jesus. Sending you love for a glorious night. Stay close to earth
dragan's dad
Heavenly Angel,let the light of your love shine in the heart of those here on earth who miss you so much.RIP
Mama anđela M.Blekic
Sve vas volim anđeli naši dragi. Budite sretni u domu Gospodnjem.....
Grma-Louise To Angie Robert
A gift for such a little while~ur loss just seems so wrong~U should not have left before us~It's with loved ones u belong..
Cathy~Mom of David Giraud
Their presence we miss~their memory we treasure..loving them always, forgetting them NEVER**
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~
Stopn by to say good night Joey ☆ sleep sweetly Angel. Forever in my heart. ((Debbie))
Grma-Louise To Angie Robert
Joey you are a special Angel not only to your family~but to all who got to know you since you became an Angel..
dragan's dad
Missing all the wonderful Angels that are not physical with us, but so strong in our hearts. Candle in honor all of precious Angels...
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Love is you. Love is missing you with breath we take. Love is keeping your precious memories alive in our hearts, souls, lives.
Mary Hand
A little tribute, small and tender Just to say I'm thinking of you.
Claudai mom to ~Rocky Lindley~
I will give thanks to u, O lord, with all my heart, in the presence of the angels I will sing ur praise ~ Psalm 138:1 ~Joey~
Grma-Louise To Angie
Joey I'm sure ur mom could use some extra big hugs today from u ~as each day goes by u are loved and missed so much..xo
Mom Always & Forever
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
Mom Always & Forever
My sweet angel, Happy Birthday I am missing you so much. I love you with all my heart forever.
dragan's dad
Precious Angel, life goes on everything changes yet everything remains the same. You are missed so much...
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~
Happy Birthday handsome Joey. Birthday hugs sent to u from me to Heaven above. ((((Debbie))))
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~
Joey Ive gotten to know thru this site n I carry a special place in my ♥ for u n ur family. GN ((Debbie))
Con't Grma-Louise To Angie
Joey give your Mom and family a part of your love as they awaken to another day and stand before the world,without you..
Grma-Louise To Angie
Happy Birthday to a special Angel hope you had a beautiful day yesterday..Joey sending some Birthday hugs to you Sweet Angel..
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
Happy Birthday Joey! Hope U have a great day with UR Angel friends. Make sure to send some signs to UR family...UR so very loved.
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
Sometimes U have 2B apart from people U love, but that doesn't make U love them any less. Sometimes U love them more. ~Sparks~
Cathy~Mom of David Giraud
Today, we celebrate the day that your Joseph was born...may the fond memories you hold in your heart carry you through((Debbie))
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