Hi my Joey,
Well I made it thru Mother's Day, I don't know how without you here with me. I didn't talk with anyone on the phone, your brother lefted me a text message and a voice mail. I just cannot deal with any kind of holiday's without you here with me. I stayed in bed all day, cried alot and prayed. What a life, there is no life inside me.
So I just deal or keep to myself to try and make it through each day.
I know you are with me everyday helping me through and always in my heart, but it is just not the same. It will never be the same.
I just try my best and my best just will never be the same, nothing will ever be the same.
I can't even smile anymore. I can't be happy anymore. To me there is nothing nor will ever be anything to make me the same person I use to be.
When I wake up in the morning I told you the first thing I do is pray to you to help me make it through the day. Then I go in the kitchen and the first thing I see is your beautiful smile and face.
I live my life now Joe as I always did for you and Wayne Jr, but I do it differently than I did before. I live to keep you always here as if you always where and to always speak your name and talk as if you are still here with me, if that makes any sense.
I live to keep my Joey here. You know me so well and you wouldn't expect anything different from me.
Here we go again, Wayne Jr's birthday, my birthday and than your's. (29).
My baby 29.
Well I do not look ahead anyway I just go day by day.
Well my sweet baby I will talk to you later.
I love you forever and always!
Soon Mom